Full brand journey.

Precision is a data and technology driven solutions company, delivering a cohesive journey to Customers, Consumers, Voters and Patients through both direct and indirect channels.


Throughout our 25 years of existence we have always had data at the heart of what we do. Data on healthcare professionals has driven the growth of the business and now our position as an online provider of geodemographically profiled data on both consumers and businesses is the key USP for our direct marketing business.



We invested in developing a digital team over 15 years ago, with a key focus on digitally transforming and automating how we reach new and existing customers, educate sales channels and employees, provide direct, sales and marketing solutions for national and hyperlocal campaigns and deliver online B2b, B2c and B2p commerce environments and warehousing solutions.


Learning Solutions:

With over 20 years’ experience delivering award winning learning management systems (LMS) and training and skills development programmes for employees, contractors and the wider distributed workforce. We design and build industry-leading, feature packed e-learning platforms to deliver an anytime, anywhere online learning ecosystem for employees to consume in the flow of their work.


Direct Marketing:

Our journey to carbon neutrality started with our extensive print and mailing house in Bury St Edmunds. A significant investment has been made in our green energy infrastructure to ensure the power that runs our machines, heats and lights our building is sustainably generated. Additionally the use of water based inks and product innovations such as potato & starch film wrap, has transformed the way we deliver print and direct mail. In doing so we transform how we receive orders from our clients and the speed of despatch through online and offline process innovation. The road to digital transformation includes the ability to measure accurately and in real time engagement levels and the return on investment, illustrated perfectly through the ability to generate dynamic QR codes from each line of data.


Outsourced, eCommerce solutions:

More and more brands are adding direct to consumer channels to their traditional in-direct channels, especially in healthcare. Therefore, the rise of Amazon has hastened the need for brands to develop direct and third-party channels (Amazon and eBay). We have been providing full-service solutions for brands that either need a specialist provider with the MHRA accreditations or simply somewhere to warehouse and distribute their products.

Each of the above are specialist divisions within the Precision business that come together to deliver a cohesive, full brand journey through our clients in-direct and direct sales channels.